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Threshing Meeting on Membership (in person and on zoom)

Threshing in November
The Threshing Meeting on Nov 5 will be a chance for creative expression, including poems, art, and writing. We will use creative expressions to guide us toward themes and threads, a sense of direction, and to open ourselves up to the bigger picture of membership going forward for the WHF.

What are Threshing Meetings?
Threshing Meetings give us the chance to ask questions, state positions, and express viewpoints, guided by the Spirit. During this process, we can explore all of our options deeply and thoughtfully. This is a process of asking and answering questions and concerns honestly and plainly.  We will not make any decisions during the threshing session. Threshing will help us prepare for decision-making when the Meeting is ready.

Later Event: November 11
Quaker Artisan Faire 2023